Tag Archives: Rhubarb

rhubarb streusel muffins

Rhubarb Streusel Muffins

I’m still trying to sort through the 700 pictures that we took in Italy and figure out where to store all the lovely new things we received in our now quite full 1 bedroom apartment but the easiest way for me to feel grounded and back at home is to bake. Continue reading

rhubarb {two ways}

If you would have told me a few years ago that I would eagerly awaiting the arrival of rhubarb season, listening to one of my favorite bloggers discuss rhubarb, {aside-if you aren’t listening to Molly and Matthew you are really missing out, I love reading her Bon Appetit column even more now if that is even possible-end aside} and dreaming up ways to use the pounds and pounds I just have to buy at the market; I would have thought you were crazy. You see, a few years ago, I didn’t even know that rhubarb existed. I don’t know if it is my Texas hertiage or the lack of farmers’ markets in my past but I never had rhubarb until last year. However, for every season I will try to make up for the 24 rhubarb-less years of my past. Continue reading

rosy rhubarb

One of my favorite things about reading a shit-ton whole bunch of food blogs and having my own is that it makes me experiment with ingredients and try recipes that I would have never thought to make on my own.  Last year when rhubarb popped up in the market and amongst the blogs I had no idea what this fruit/vegetable thing was all about. But this year I am more experimental in my ways and I knew that I wanted to give rhubarb a try.

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